(Each presentation is in Adobe Acrobat format)


Awarded Presentations

Technical Tutorials

Mr. Rey Rincon (NXP Semiconductor – Austin, TX, USA)

Session #1 - Test Strategy Innovations

Session #2 - Drilling

Session #3 - New Testing Challenge and Solution

Mr. Clark Liu (PTI – HsiChu, Taiwan)

Session #4 - Bump and Array

Session #5 - Moving Forward with Space Transformer Technology

Session #6 - Power Probing @ Temperature

Mr. Gunther Boehm (FEINMETALL GmbH – Herrenberg, Germany)

Session #7 - Probecard Potpourri

(Cypress Semiconductor – San Jose, CA, USA)

Session #8 - Vertical, CU Pillar and ILD Cracking during Probe

Session #9 - Process Improvement

Mr. Patrick Mui (JEM America – Fremont, CA, USA)



Steering Committee Members for SW Test 2016:

Dr. Jerry Broz, Ph.D., International Test Solutions, General Chair
Rey Rincon, NXP Semiconductor, Technical Program Chair
Maddie Harwood, CEM Inc., Finance Chair
John Caldwell, Micron Technology, Program Committee
Darren James, Consultant, Program Committee
Jan Martens, Consultant, Program Committee
Patrick Mui, JEM America, Program Committee
Fred Taber, BiTS Workshop, Proceedings Coordinator
Karen Armendariz, Celadon Systems
Gunther Boehm, FeinMetall GmbH
Stevan Hunter, Ph.D., ON Semiconductor and Idaho State University
Michael Huebner, Ph.D., FormFactor
Amy Leong, FormFactor, Inc.
Clark Liu, Powertech Technology, Inc. (PTI – Taiwan)
Gary Maier, IBM Corporation
Mark Ojeda, Spansion
Joey Wu, MPI Corporation (Taiwan)
Al Wegleitner, Texas Instruments, Inc.
Sang Kyu (SK) Yoo, Samsung Electronics – Korea

The presentations included in the SWTW proceedings reflect the authors opinions and are presented without change. Inclusion in the proceedings does not constitute an endorsement by the SouthWest Test Workshop Committee.

Papers previously copyrighted or with copyright restrictions cannot be presented. In keeping with a workshop environment and to avoid copyright issues, SWTW does not officially seek a copyright ownership / transfer from authors. Authors agree by submitting their work that their presentation is original work and substantially not published previously or copyrighted, may be referenced in the work of others, will be assembled / distributed in the SWTW Proceedings, and made available for download by anyone from the SWTW website.